Sunday, March 2, 2014



It's Safe now
The Storm has passed
Relax your bracing against the blast.....

.....It's Over.

You hung, my Love, feeling helpless
fearing I had forsaken you
when all the while it was I, hanging there with you,
and you with Me,
held by the nails of 

You were never alone, my Beloved,
not for one moment...

I was with you,
bled with you,
in your Garden of Gethsamane...
I walked with you this ancient Way
the road to this death...

But this death,
that felt so terrible,
that was so terrible, my Love,
so merciless,
brutal beyond bearing,
has set the stage for New Life,
for Knowing Me in a way you could not have otherwise,
for making Me known....

There is a time to die,
That time is Done.

You bore the cross with Me,
now it's time to be Born...

Here comes the sun, my Beloved One,
You died with me,
Now Rise with Me,

and Live.


"I AM the ressurection and the Life;
though he died, yet shall he Live."
-John 11:25

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