Wednesday, December 31, 2014


+ + +

So much ground covered
Soul searing soil which seemed insurmountable
Terrain which towered over us
Heartbreaking in its apparent invincibility...

But look behind,


This Way we thought impossible
utterly implausible

Now threaded with our footsteps
taken one by one
by one
by one...

and Finally,

It Is Finished.....


It Begins...

*** 2015 ***

+ + +

"Eye has not seen, nor has ear heard, nor has the mind of man conceived 
the things which God has prepared..."
-1 Corinthians 2:9


Nancy said...

Your butterfly is such a beautiful representation of the arrival of a new year. I pray you will be blessed beyond measure in the coming year.....

Andy Nix said...

Ahh! Yes! Looking back, one sees how much ground gets covered, and so the journey continues, wonderfully!
Thank you for your beautiful words!