Friday, May 23, 2014


"Rise, Take up your bed, and Walk"
-John 5:8


He could've stayed there, you know...

In sackcloth,
In Ashes,
In Mourning,
In Grief...

And no one would have thought it strange

Indeed, they thought it strange when he arose,
when he ended his vigil
and took his place again
in the Land of the Living

The Child was Dead.
Remaining in the heart-rending remorse,
the regret,
the weeping, the wailing,
perhaps even wanting to die himself
would not bring back to life
the precious thing lost.

He could've chosen to stay

in the sorrow,
in the suffering,
in the sadness,
in the Ending...

and it might have been easier
it might have felt safer
and everyone would've understood...

...and Solomon and his Wisdom
Would have been Lost to the World

David chose to Get Up,
David chose to Live Again,
to Love Again,
to Try Again,
to Trust Again,

In God's Amazing Grace
In Second Chances
In Big Time Do-Overs...

And God Delivered...

...Big Time.


"Behold, I AM doing a New Thing;
Now it Springs forth,
don't you perceive it?"
-Isaiah 43:19

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