Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Rest - Haiku trio


Still, I now can feel
God's motion all around me
at Rest in my ark

At Rest, I realize
Noah couldn't steer either
"God is Great, M'Sabu"

Dove and Olive Branch
I smile at my smallness
Storm Spent, Rest in sight...


Tuesday, April 29, 2014



My Beloved,

Hear Me:

I AM Sovereign over the storm
I AM steering the ship,

every circumstance
every "happenstance"
every joy
every sorrow

I AM in control

I do not ask you to walk out on water
I ask you to invite me in to the boat
it was not Peter's heroics that harnessed the gale
but rather My Word,

Peace, Be Still.

I AM the Way
where there seems to be no way
and I AM directing your Path
with a Wisdom you cannot now fathom,
in ways you cannot possibly hope for or ask

I AM the good Shepherd,
I AM your Shepherd
I will not leave you lost
you are Mine,
I AM yours,

I AM with you
I will lead you,
and I will,
without fail, Beloved
bring you back
to Shore


"Do not remember the former things,
nor consider the things of old;
Behold I do a New Thing...
I will make the way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert."
-Isaiah 43:18-19

Sunday, April 20, 2014


"Rise up, My love, My fair one...
for behold, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone, 
flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come...
Rise up, My love, My fair one..."
-Song 2:10-13


Buoyant hearts
Resilient beyond reason
Bear witness to the Heart that bore them

hearts having borne a backbreaking cross
given up for dead
thought bested...

But slowly, slowly, long shadows are cast
incredulous eyes turn to see,
Gold dispels dark
Sky turning, turning...
and the Word again spoken,

"Let There Be..."

Life stifled and silenced
now has the final say,
now breaks,
is Reborn in the breaking,

Graveclothes give way to Irrepressible Light


We Rise


"Did I not tell you if you believed,
you would see the Glory of God?"
-John 11:40

Friday, April 18, 2014

safe keeping

for my Maddie
June 11, 2003 - April 18, 2014


Given me for safe keeping
Given into this life
too turbulent,
too heavy for her heart

she tethered me to terra
when time and again
 I would've flown

and now she flies
finally free
finally weightless,

back into the Heart of God
from whence she came
to keep me


Rest well, my Dear one
finally at Peace
finally Home

"...this world was never meant for one as beautiful as you..."
-Don McLean

Monday, April 14, 2014



I ask breadcrumbs
from Bread of Life,
settle for glimpses
from The-God-Who-Sees

Lame and Blind
I  await a few alms
When He would make me walk
When He who holds me
as the apple of His Eye
would give me sight...

Egypt bearing down hard
trapped between Sea and Slavery
I beg for a boat
from the Hand Who Parts The Water...


"He brought them out from there,
that He might bring them in."
-Deuteronomy 6:23



a million moments had to happen just so,
a thousand planets align,
to make this one pinscratch on the road
in this exact place,
at this precise moment in time

how can that awareness fill my mind 
with anything less than profound peace,
and letting go
and come-what-may trust

why now do I feel I need to protect 
and guard and preserve
the pinscratch....

why can I not lie on my back
a pinscratch on this road myself
arms outstretched,
breathing deep,
laughing out loud
into the sky...


Thursday, April 10, 2014

Cross Over II

Matthew 14:22-33


Twelve verses depicting Twelve men
unwittingly sent into a storm of hurricane proportions.

 Jesus actually sent his followers,
his beloved,
his friends,
into the tempest,
without Him.

He knew exactly what they were in for.
He knew exactly what He was doing.

He knew the terror they would face
the bewilderment they would bear
the betrayal they would feel.

and yet

He surrendered them to the wind's fury,
letting them battle the waves all night long;
It was more important for these messengers of Salvation
to know their Savior,
to know the Lord of the Storm,
than to be spared the storm.

The gale did not sink God's chosen,
but served to shipwreck the vestiges of their faulty faith
They saw, first hand, Salvation Himself surface,
and dominate what threatened to drown them.

The storm was not an end;
It was an integral part of the path
to the Beginning

Jesus didn't send them into the storm to destroy them,

He sent them into the storm to get them to the other side.


"Peace, Be Still."
-Mark 4:39