Wednesday, October 28, 2020




You've always given me
Wherewith to land,
Lily pads lined up
Across this Red Sea...

"Partings"? ...I suppose,
But more often "Leapings"...
Less of Faith,
More often of the Frog variety...

Leap after Leap
After longing Leap...

It's been so So long,
I've known


Saturday, October 24, 2020

Build me a boat...



Heal my heart
Sew the sails
Patch its hull
Sturdy as steel...

Speak to the storm,
"Peace, Be Still."
Trade me a course
For the chaos...

Make the Water not so Wide
Make the Beast
Shine with Beauty again

And paint on her helm 
the lovely name,

now far away,

and too long



Monday, October 19, 2020

Domestic Terrorists' Lives Don't Matter



They are not "Protestors"

(That soft sell with which we've disguised those

Declaring war on our country from within)

Call it what it is.

They are Domestic Terrorists

Who have hijacked our lives

And all we hold dear.

Time to treat them as such,

Because OUR lives DO matter.
