Sunday, June 16, 2019



The Wanderlust Life
We lead on this planet

Our Oz
Our Far Country
Where the Wild Things Are

Yellow Brick Roads
Prodigal Parties
Our days whirling round
The Wild Rumpus of it all

Till one day
Road Weary
Disillusioned by the din
We tire of the endless circling
Our Dervish wanderings...

Yet ever peripheral
Persists Promised Land's pull
Closer than breath

We dance unaware
Right on the edge
Feeling always the eventual falling...

Siren song or Still Small Voice?
I like to think the latter
Gravitational Grace
Bending our way
Vectoring us Home...

Every One of us...





"Behold, I send an Angel before you to keep you in the Way and bring you into the place which I have prepared."
-Exodus 23:20