Monday, December 31, 2012


Genesis beckons
into Journey beyond
what we have known
what we can see...
into courage for Crossing
from death into Life
over our Jordans
into all that will be
Our souls are laid bare
as the past falls away
we long to be clothed
with dawning of Day
Life will not be bested
so brave steps ensue
He gives beauty for ashes
All things will be made New
"The Lord God is my strength,
and He will make my feet like hinds' feet,
and he will make me walk upon mine high places."
-Habakkuk 3:19

Friday, December 21, 2012


"In the beginning was the Word...
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us..."
-John 1:1, 14
As in the beginning,
The Word still seeks
safe harbor
in hearts that
would become
willing wombs...
These hearts of dust
become Heaven's creche,
bearers of Gospel,
Word, again, becomes flesh


Merry Christmas dear ones,
Elizabeth "Hindsfeet"
"Then Mary said, 'Behold the maidservant of the Lord!  Let it be to me according to your word.'"
-Luke 1:38

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


hearts hang,
half staff
with Jesus
we weep
"Jesus wept."
-John 11:35
while my heart cannot wrap around the grief
of the Sandy Hook tragedy,
my hope is in my very small way to weep with those who weep,
and in so doing,
bear with them their grief
-e.a.a. "Hindsfeet"