Tuesday, September 20, 2011



Homeward Bound Beggar
At Amazing Grace's Door

Barely hoping for Haven...

So ill equipped am I
naked, exposed
utterly at Your Mercy
My only hope of Home...

Cold wind whips around me
this frozen, fallen form
So small against this life
but still, I knock...

A fool's hope to hear
what my ears say they hear--

--not the harsh, begrudging, faltering footfall
of the Master torn from sleep,

but Running
and a pounding Heart
and my name I'd nearly forgotten
being breathlessly called

The Door is not cracked
but Flung Open

And He is upon me,
A Coat-of-Many-Colors
Covering me
Cloaking me
Drowning out my protests of unworthiness

Enfolding me
Engulfing me
Till i am hidden
Till all is Him
and I am ushered in

The Door is shut against the night
which concedes defeat,
once again retreats,
falling away,
felled by triumphant Day

And I am Home.


e.a.a. "Hindsfeet"  9/20/11

"I have loved you with an everlasting love"
Jeremiah 31:3


  1. Hindsfeet,

    Once again...your special gift reminds us what we all feel from time to time. Thank you for reminding us that He is always there...welcoming us Home.

    Thank you for your heart and your art.

  2. from one hobo to another,
    happy fluttering thanks
    for these golden words
    strung together to paint
    such a rich portrait
    of love
    that is real and true
    and, gulp, ours
    in Him.
    Oh amazing grace indeed:)
    love and thanks,
