Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Time to Build...

"To everything there is a season,
a time for every purpose under heaven..."
-Ecclesiastes 3:1


The sun rises on this plot of land,
primed for repurposing
prepped for pouring out...

...cleared for construction...

My heart heaved with each load,
leveled and hauled away
each heavy letting go
each precious, painful parting with the past...

Now here am I
laid bare, bereft
 this all too familiar baseline
of barrenness
of bereavement,
of loss
of letting go...

I long for this land a new normal
exposed now,
like an open wound...

...Just then The Carpenter comes on the scene
His footsteps fall gently
like dew on tender ground

He turns,
Takes my hands in His
And there I feel the open wounds...
the pain that precipitates healing
hurt hand in hand
with Wholeness

This precious paradox
These heaven-sent scars
The very Hands that are bruised
Begin the work of Rebuilding...


"There is a time to kill, and a time to heal; A time to break down, and a time to Build."
-Ecclesiastes 3:3

(photography courtesy of Dan Denardo Photography )


  1. oh beautiful writer of poetic prose
    that sings....absolutely sings out
    your heart's journey
    so that others can sing along,
    I thank you for this from my aching places
    being "primed for repurposing,
    prepped for pouring out".
    You paint it all so clearly.
    It's a terrible beauty,
    this business of becoming:)
    You are doing it so well.
    Love and thanks,

  2. Hello my dear friend. Your words and picture couldn't have come at a more perfect time. You have described everything that is happening within my heart. I am in the process of letting go and letting God rebuild me. "The too familiar baseline of barrenness, of bereavement, of loss, of letting go..." Then the sweet Carpenter steps in...takes my hand in his...and says to me, "I'm here. You're not alone. We will rebuild. You will be better." Thank you, my dear friend....Thank you.

  3. just popping by to send you some love
    and let you know I'm pulling especially for you,
    brave beautiful heart:)
    grace, grace, grace,
