Friday, April 3, 2020

Ruining Lives to "save lives"?


"Here's to your good health" 

"Yeah you too, congrats on beating Covid."

Really, America?


According to the Center for Disease Control, in 2018, 80,000 people in this country alone died from the flu (not to mention the 770,000 who died from the incurable communicable virus of HIV, I guess our healthcare system is a little more resilient than they would like you to believe in this hour).  It didn't make the news, it wasn't even a ripple on the radar, our healthcare system did not crash and no one called a national day of prayer.  

What IS crashing, is our economy, our way of life,
Our Lives, America.

The government isn't saving your lives, with these restrictions of our liberties. (ask yourself when the government ever cared about your life except when it needed your vote.) The government is causing the ruin of your lives and livelihoods for years to come.

The Human Race has survived for thousands of years without the nursemaid of government.  The Human Race is mightily adaptable.  

Time to exercise one of the few remaining freedoms left to us in this hour, freedom of information, and start questioning the powers that be, 

While we still have the power to question.


“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” 
― Edmund Burke

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