Sunday, December 31, 2017



It's a sort of reincarnation,
 New Years Eve,
The ritual reset,
A time to rebuild

Having shot our wad
 We penniless paupers 
Come to find our empty pockets
Met by Heaven's Hand
 With the offer 
To Begin Again,


Where our Gideon Hearts faltered
Audacious Grace is given
Where we went left instead of Right
The Way Himself makes a way
Where our bargaining for bad fruit
Betrayed our entire garden
Gethsemane's bloody tears are remembered 
Golgotha is once again brought to bear
Sin, thus silenced,
Is made to stand down, 
And we are rendered 
The chance to stand

This remittance
This rebirth
 This "reincarnation"
Is gifted to us


By Incarnation



"I AM The Resurrection and The Life!"
-John 11:25

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