Friday, August 11, 2017

Dark II

Image result for dark van gogh
"He made darkness His secret hiding place
His canopy around Him was dark waters,
and thick clouds of the skies."
-Psalm 18:11


We have a God
Who does not wait
For us to grope our way out of the blackness
Toward some state of elusive "Enlightenment"
Before He deigns
to commune with us...

...No, we have a God
Who, from The Beginning,
Got His Hands dirty,
Forming us from dust...
Who, when we bed down in hell
lays down beside us...
Who, descended to The Pit 
And faced down Death
Unwilling to let go of even the Lowest of the Low...

We have a God
Whose Love goes as deep as our deepest darkness
Who is Light
Yet chooses this darkness as a dwelling place
Because He knew that's where we'd be hiding...

Because He knew
That's precisely
Where we'd need
To Find Him


"If I say, 'Surely the darkness shall fall on me'
Even the night shall be light about me;
Indeed, the darkness shall Not hide from You,
But the night shines as the day;
The darkness and the light are both alike to You."
-Psalm 139:11, 12

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