Monday, January 20, 2014

Prodigal's Prayer - a haiku

I ran, far and wide
and ended up with ashes...
now Your will be done
" for ashes..."
-Isaiah 61:3

1 comment:

  1. beautiful...after all our struggling...our doing...why do we have to make a mess before we yield...

    i tried to respond to you comment on my blog but could not...said (no-reply blogger) so I am leaving it here...

    Good morning Liz,

    I am such a procrastinator, and I don't like a crowded calendar.

    But I can fill my days with such little trivia...

    I did this thinking I needed to to just one thing a day towards my dream...and that is still the case, but really the ONE THING that will be the greatest benefit (I hate saying benefit, makes it sound like I am using God for my benefit...which I guess I am...but it's more) is spending time with Him! He is changing my heart a little at a time...and I want more....

    I would love to hear more about your one thing!

    Grace, peace and love to you dear Liz,

