Friday, January 24, 2014

In Spirit

"...though I am away from you in body
yet I am with you In Spirit"
-Colossians 2:5
Come now, My love,
and Rest for awhile
out of the cold and the bitter winds
out of the windiness and the wild...

I Am the fire which warms you
I Am the breath on your ear
telling you,
that All really is Well...

Zoom out from your narrow view
on life as it seems
and See what Is

Let it go now, My love
Let it go
Relax your tight hold
and feel, instead,
that you are Held...

.....all the plans, people, possessions you father
are in your Abba's Loving Hands...

Oh Beloved of Mine
Feel yourself now,
enveloped in Me
in Love,
in Rest...

...and Know
in this moment
as Mary did,

The Secret
The One Thing:

I AM with you

I AM with you

I AM with you
"Nothing in all of creation
can separate us from the love of God..."
-Romans 8:39


  1. this truth is sinking in deeper and deeper...
    how i long for it to spread and fill every inch of my heart!!
    thank you for these beautiful word reminders!

  2. Let it go now, My love
    Let it go
    Relax your tight hold
    and feel, instead,
    that you are Held...

    Oh my these words so resonate with my heart....I too am like Mary in that I long for these words to fill my heart....
    You are a beautiful both in person and soul and I so appreciate your writing...
    Hugs to you my friend.....

  3. Hugs for you too, Nancy.....and for you, dear Mary!! <3

