Monday, April 15, 2013


....When our world gets turned upside down,
our hearts once again sucked under in grief.....
We tend to turn toward Heaven and ask,
I wonder,
If Heaven is also turned toward us
Tears in His eyes
and on His lips,
the very same query......
"Jesus wept."
-John 11:35
For the victims of the Boston marathon massacre...
which all of us are....
Lord, hear our prayer

Be Still My Soul


  1. so much pain and fear released into the atmosphere....joining your prayers for restoration and comfort and peace that surpasses all understanding.
    and giving thanks for the light which is shining brighter and brighter than the day.
    all of creation is groaning.
    love and grace to you, dear one,

  2. Amen, H.

    Thank you for this.

    Thank you for your gift.

  3. Oh dear friend,
    this is a question
    that we all ask at
    one time or another,
    I believe. I hope that
    in the asking and
    wondering, you have
    found peace, as it
    sounds like you are
    in a sad place.

    Sending you prayers
    and hugs. Be gentle
    with yourself, whatever
    you are facing at this
    moment on the journey.

    xo Suzanne
