Saturday, September 29, 2012

Lilies and Birds....

"Consider the lilies...Consider the birds..."
-Luke 12:24-28

Lilies and Birds...
...having in common uncommon comeliness
diminutive beauty for beauty's sake
meticulously mixed metaphor
written between lovely lines... invitation to total abandon into unseen Hands
painstakingly penned on petaled parchment
inscribed in winged word
 evidence of the Everlasting Arms
underneath, undergirding,
harboring, holding...
this delicate unfolding
of petals, of wings
this Becoming, this Being
till flight and flowering reach a sacred crescendo
and I flourish in your Hands once again
-e.a.a. "Hindsfeet"  9/28/12


  1. oh friend, your words are music
    and lilies and birds
    always speak
    straight to my heart
    where it needs
    a nudge open.
    thanks for this nourishing goodness,

  2. I love both lilies
    and birds and these
    beautiful words
    weave them both
    together in the
    loveliest of ways.

    As a matter of fact,
    Suzanne means lily
    in Hebrew : ) Maybe
    why I have such an
    affinity? And birds,
    ah birds....

    Keep writing!

    xo Suzanne
