Monday, October 24, 2011



And just like that,
the road ends
the road begins
time to move on...

following this Flow
as best I can


wending my way
into so much unknown...

Lucy asked of Aslan, "Is He safe?"
the answer came, "no, but He is Good."
there is nothing for me
but to yield to this precarious Goodness

and travel on.


-e.a.a. "Hindsfeet" 10/22/11

"Your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, 'This is the way.  Walk in it.' whenever you turn to the left or the right."
-Isaiah 30:21


  1. He is not a tame lion, is He.
    I'm so wrapped in this knowing
    these days.....we just can't manage
    or predict this goodness.
    But trust....oh yes.
    Yes, we can and must trust
    and take that strong hand
    and follow along
    because where else is there to go?
    I join you in the clumsy moving forward
    (with my own clumsy trust)
    and thank Him for the sharing
    of this road
    with you:)
    love and grateful grace,

  2. dnp

    "Off I went. No second thoughts."

    "Do it now. And I did."


  3. Your words are
    just the balm that
    my spirit needed
    at this exact moment.
    Thank you for that!

    xx Suzanne

  4. I'm not as poetic as you, nor can I come up with some sort of a clever response, but I just wanted to write and say that I hope this isn't meant as a goodbye. :(

    Jim asked a week or so ago, "whatever happened to Hindsfeet" - he remembers your comments on my blog and read your blog from time to time. I said that you were still here, but that I'm not always good at keeping in touch with all of the bloggers, even those who have been significant to me in God's purpose.

    I pray that you're finding new hope with each passing day.
    Love and blessings always,

  5. Just popping in {again....I've
    been over a few times} to thank
    you for all of your kind words.
    When I hit the "reply" button
    your e-mail is a "No-reply
    blogger" so there was no way
    for me to contact you. So,
    Happy Monday, and thanks!

    xx Suzanne

  6. Just stopping by to love on my friend
    and let you know
    that I miss your life-giving words
    but love that the shepherd
    who guides and guards you
    has the timing thing
    all wrapped up in His awesomeness:)
    No pressure.....just loads of love,
