Tuesday, March 29, 2011


"Wash me and I will be whiter than snow"
-Psalm 51:7

The Potter saw fit to form our bodies in such a way that they require daily maintenence, regular cleansing, a ritual routine of renewal.

Why, then, do we consider it anomalous that our spirits require the same sort of regime?  When we wash, do we wash once and for all?  When a toddler is bathed, does he feel embarrasment or shame when bathtime rolls around again?  More to the point, would a good parent chide the child for needing such care? 

Of course not, certainly not, and laughably, decidedly, unquestionably not.

Let us settle in our hearts, once and for all, that we have a Loving parent in God.  When the world we are steeped in soils our souls, when weariness overtakes our best intentions and well laid plans, when all we can do is ask Abba to clean us, let us feel Him gently lift us from the grime and from the dust, let us soak in His tenderness and His unrelenting love, let us know that in the end, it is He Who makes us "good", as He did "In the Beginning", so He does in me and you.

"Create in me a clean heart, O God"
-Psalm 51:10



  1. Oh beautiful you....I LOVE this!
    Soak in His tenderness and unrelenting love
    ...His sweet, sweet goodness.
    Oh thank you for this!
    Tonight, weariness has overtaken my
    best intentions and "hopeful" plans, too.
    So good to be reminded that
    a long slow soaking bath awaits me
    and the invitation to slide on in
    is always open.
    So grateful to be loved like this.
    Thank you again, dear friend, for
    this gentle reminder.
    Such a powerful picture.

  2. Hello beautiful Saturday; go slow please.
    Coming back around for another dip.
    Sliding in to soak
    in this beauty;
    so needed this today.
    Love you friend.
