Saturday, July 24, 2010

Letting Go.....

"Whoever finds his [lower] life will lose it [the higher life],
and whoever loses his [lower] life on My account will find it [the higher life]."
-Matthew 10:39 (Amplified Version)

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So many "Letting-go"s on this pilgrims' path...

Letting go of anything that diverts His flow through me

Letting go of, not just sin, but of the good that is not His best

Letting go of "the lower life" that I cling so tightly to at times

Letting go, Living in a state of surrender, Clinging only to Christ as the ever-changing world ebbs and flows around me.   Loosening my grip on everything that would shake me from that still centered place.

I sometimes find myself resisting this release, prefering the synthesized sense of security that my pacifiers of choice afford me, but the letting go that God calls us to does not leave us empty handed, rather, it leaves us open handed to take hold of His "higher life", His many blessings, the very hand of God.

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  1. Beautifully said....Like a child with his pacificer I too find it hard to let go of the ones I have become to depend on even though they offer temporary comfort....

    You always give me wonderful thoughts to ponder...

  2. Right back atcha, Nancy...glad to be able to return the favor...

    : )

  3. I love this blog. I needed to hear this.

  4. I remember the trauma of separating my youngest son from his beloved "passy" was like cutting off his arm for both of us. Only my strong determination and desire for his freedom enabled me hang in there through the battle. He was one hard nut to crack ( a tad stubborn like his mom!).

    Your post took me back to that feeling I had then....wishing we didn't always waste so much time and energy looking for his passy....making sure it would be available when he needed comfort and soothing. He'd literally panic if he couldn't put his chubby little fingers on it fast enough. It was bondage, really. Not sweet at all.

    Now my heart has a clearer picture of the Father's heart for us.....longing for our be the One who soothes and comforts us....the One we run to.
    Oh Lord, take us there.

    Thanks for holding His lens up to my eyes today:)

  5. Hi Lani...Your words on your blog are always so timely as well, so grateful to have found it.

  6. What a fantastic metaphor, Jennifer....such a helpful image....your word pictures always bring such unique clarity to God's Word...thanks for that....

    ...brings to mind a book you might like (you may very well know of it...) ever read "The Language of Letting Go" by Melody Beattie? Talk about a kindred spirit...

  7. What a great post. Such a reminder that I needed to read today. Blessings.

  8. dying to ourselves, is so hard. even when we know what God offers is so much better. we settle for so little, because it is familiar. it's scary to let go of the known for the unknown, even when we know who holds us. sometimes even going back to Egypt looks good......but we can't!!!!

    I wonder sometimes if I will ever get to the place of trusting and loving Him more than what I think I need!!! Oh Lord, please!!


  9. Isn't that a profound and humbling thought? Our gifts come from the very hand of God. Wow.
