Friday, June 25, 2010


-Psalm 37:7

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What a hard thing to hear from the Almighty, especially in answer to some seemingly earnest request; something we perceive to be of considerable portent and requiring immediate action on the part of Providence. 

When we find ourselves in the fiery furnace of the eleventh hour, our endurance all but spent, it can be tempting to take matters into our own hands, rushing ahead to rectify the situation, right the wrong, resolve the problem pressing us...

...but the still small voice persists; the Lord's love constrains us; the counter-intuitive call of Christ bids us be still, let go, and let Him be God.

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" For since the beginning of the world, men have not heard nor perceived by the ear, nor has the eye seen any God besides You, who acts for the one who waits for Him."
-Isaiah 64:4


  1. Yes, yes, yes! Years ago, a wise woman told me (about myself and my home): "God doesn't get to be God very much around here." I was offended! I'm coming to realize how very true those words were....I've preferred to do the job myself. Learning to ask "enable me to let go....break through me to you." Oh to trust Him to be God in everything! I echo your heartcry, Hindsfeet! I'm right there with you...

  2. Brilliant insight, H. And beautifully written as always.


  3. ok, Jennifer, for the bazillionth time now, lemme just say how *glad* I am that our little streams have are water to this parched little soul over here.....

  4. Thanks, D.....your unending encouragement is such a "gift"......

  5. Always sweet to see your sunshiney face pop up here, Lani.....and speaking of, really *loved* that sunset tonight.....what a treat....

  6. "Wait, wait I say, wait upon the Lord!" Yes! So difficult! We think He should be making things right immediately! We think, "What I'm asking is definitely His will, why is He taking so long?" We don't always know the answer to that question, whether His purpose is to increase perseverance or faith. We just have to trust that His ways and timing are perfect. While I am waiting, and becoming anxious, I remember: "Be still, and know that I am God." We can trust Him to give us His best.

  7. Tell me about this painting, please. I absolutely LOVE it!

  8. Hi Relyn!

    It's a Vettriano...As is my avatar on my site here....(which is called "Yesterday's Dreams")...I dig some of his stuff....not all, but some.
