Sunday, June 6, 2010


“The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.”
-Numbers 6:24-26

What a beautiful benediction breathed from the heart of our God over His children.  Almost lyrical in it's prose, presented to Moses from our Maker Himself to be spoken over His posterity.

If there was ever any doubt concerning the posture of Providence toward us, these words clarify His stance resolutely and settle forever every argument against a benevolent Sovereign, depicting our Creator's deep desire to drench His beloved in His goodness.  These words are not just inkblots on a page, but a powerful invocation, meant to impart Christ's love to you and me.

As such, may these words wash over you, and fill you to overflowing; may they bless you, and keep you, and give you peace.

"Now therefore, our God, hear the prayer of Your servant, and his supplications, and for the Lord's sake cause Your face to shine..."
-Daniel 9:17



  1. Wow....what a beautiful bubbling stream I've stumbled across here! I love your blog...the water's fine. Kept scrolling back for another drink; must be off now but will come again.
    Thanks for sharing so beautifully from your heart....

  2. Thanks for the wonderful scripture! :) I've been feeling particularly blessed lately. Hope you have as well.


  3. quite a compliment coming from you, Jennifer...just got done perusing a few of your *posts* and I am absolutely floored. Talk about soul-food.....So glad our "streams" converged here....what a gift.

  4. Hiya Hindsfeet! I was trying to comment on your post this morning when my computer freaked out and I lost my whole response... and then I had to go or I would have been late for my first day of summer training for a Reading Intervention Certification I am working on :)

    So, here goes...

    The theme of "Call and Response" first caught my attention in a Bible study about 2 years ago. It was in references to Abraham but got me thinking about other Biblical characters. The call of Jesus is obviously the ultimate-- His Call to the Cross.

    Ever since, that theme has been a lifespring for me. Basically, I believe we all have a Call. A call for our lives and call for each of our days and the moments that make up those days. Our very circumstances are a call.

    I am trying to look more at my days as lots of little callings to get up, go out, serve, and learn all in glory to the Lord. As Soloman says in Ecclesiates: "The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man." (12:13)

    So, that's it beyond studying and trying to become more sensitive to the Holy Spirit's nudges and presence and listening to and watching for moments of "calling." And then waiting for the Lord to work His goodness into the world....

    My brain is mush after being in training all day. I hope that made some sense! I'm sure you have some thoughts.... I'd love to "hear" them! :)

  5. Courtney! I LOVE this!!!! This line here especially grabbed me and has my synapses firing like crazy...."Our very circumstances are a call. I am trying to look more at my days as lots of little callings to get up, go out, serve"

    Wow....WOW......what an *excellent* perspective...I'm so glad you shared this with me tonight....

    ...REALLY *good* stuff, Girlfriend.

  6. Glad you like! And I enjoyed the poem you posted today... that last line about faith becoming sight is so true! The world is much clearer through the eyes of Faith.

  7. I have always loved that verse. When Jeffrey and I married our Dads performed the service. I asked them to pronounce a blessing on us (along these lines) before they pronounced us man and wife. it was marvelous.

  8. ...and obviously carried the wonderful weight it was meant to, Relyn...Sounds like the two of you have such a rich relationship.....What a gift...
