Tuesday, April 6, 2010


"He knows the way that I take..."
-Job 23:10

This endless Exodus
Threads a golden maze of sand,
The grains of which are said
To number Your thoughts toward me...

I sojourn with strangers
We take turns at playing shepherd and sheep
Sheltering each other in arid exile
Offering one another the oasis of ourselves
The manna of mutuality

Intertwined trajectories
Carve a convergent course
Through an otherwise boundless expanse
Thus enfolded we endure,
The communion of common destiny
Our compass and consolation

The sunrise of Promised Land's light
Hints at the horizon
Beckoning our bedouin souls
Leaving languor behind
Like long shadows cast
We set our swelling hearts on Dawning of Day

Home at last...

Home at last.....

-E.A.A. "Hindsfeet"

"You number all my wanderings and put my tears into Your bottle"
-Psalm 56:8



  1. Love those last 3 lines... you really have a gift!

  2. thanks, Courtney....

    Hope you're feeling at home and getting all settled in over there...popping over to your site soon : )
