Thursday, April 15, 2010


"Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while."
-Mark 6:31

The same God who so gently and so intimately washed the feet of His friends, still washes feet today.  When we sit quiet in His presence, without Peter's protest, sans self-conciousness, relaxing into His nail-scarred hands, forgetting fear, consumed by His compassion, trusting our grime to His grace...without judgement, with only gentleness, He begins...

The fountain of God is always flowing, ever moving, a continual cleansing...Where the waste of the world would settle over our spirits and sully our souls, the waterfall of God washes over us and wipes the slate clean.

We emerge from this purifying pool, taking with us into the world the water of the Word Himself, and become for everyone we meaningfully or peripherally encounter conduits of His cascading grace, in which to wash the feet of fellow Jesus did for us, so we do, without judgement, with His gentleness....we can begin...

"...according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior."
-Titus 3:5-6




  1. Nice, H. "Still washes feet today"....there's that "servitude is freedom" thing again. Love it.


  2. Rest - how I need it. Seems like we've had one event to plan for after another lately, and I'm missing those times of solitude. They're coming, but not soon enough some days.

    Thanks for the beautiful writing.
