Friday, January 22, 2010

Layman's Lessons.....

Throughout the New Testament, Jesus often taught in parables.  There were so many lessons surrounding his disciples in the every day stuff of life, there for the teaching.  There were lessons about generosity and jealousy, forgiveness and freedom, hypocrisy and Heaven, the list went on and on, and could've gone further. 

Jesus' followers called Him Rabbi.  This was no trite title or term of endearment.  To be called Rabbi was to be labeled a master teacher, one qualified to expound on Jewish law.  As the Rabbi of rabbis, Jesus could've used lofty linguistics, pretentious prose, and esoteric embellishment to make his point, but he didn't.  The King of kings and the Lord of lords, this Rabbi of rabbis chose the humble elements of our existence to expound on Heavenly truths, the impoverished portent of base things that bore His image.

He used bread and beggars, flowers and fields, birds of the air and fruit on the trees.  He chose these things, not only because they were within his demographic's grasp, but because they would prove to be perennial and pertinent examples throughout the centuries, through to twenty ten and beyond.  The lessons were far-reaching, they had to be, because He didn't just come to reach the twelve, He came to reach you and me

And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling.  And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.
-1 Corinthians 2:1-5


  1. Interesting point, Hindsfeet. And I love your alliteration in the second paragraph. :-)

  2. The line that spoke to me:

    "The King of kings and the Lord of lords, this Rabbi of rabbis chose the humble elements of our existence to expound on Heavenly truths..."

    I just can't tell you how much I love your posts! It's so strange, all week I've been missing your posts, and this morning somehow I forgot to do my morning Scripture time. I was rushing out the door thinking, "Something is MISSING! What is it? Darn! Forgot to have quiet time with Scripture!"

    And then it came through your post!

    The line that spoke to me reminds me of the lesson I feel I've been learning all my life and have been reminded of again this week: God will use the most ordinary ways to let me serve Him. I don't have to do something grand. I have to do the little everyday things. And I have to let my talents and hobbies and career BE my call to serve Him.

    Thanks, Hindsfeet!

  3. Way to go, H. Another keeper. Jesus know how to keep it real. Ya gotta love that.


  4. Fantastic!

    I was just thinking how daughter and I are heading to CHURCH this evening - No, not the usual Church that one thinks of. We are heading to worship in the form of the WINTER JAM, Christian Contemporary Music concert. Having been to these in the past, I remember the experience of real worship that has so often happened for me in the real world, that is in the world outside the church building. Jesus indeed uses many things to reach us. He alone knows what it takes.

  5. Thanks TC, I might have overdone it a bit, eh? Sometimes I just can't help myself ; )

  6. Hi SL!

    Your response spoke to me more than you know, friend, VERY timely words and JUST what the doctor ordered...thanks for mirroring this post back my way, SL : )

  7. Love it, Dan, haha...GREAT way to put it, (and MUCH more concise!) (as usual ; ) ) (We need to get you a license plate that says 1K WORDS) : )

  8. Thanks, Linda! I hope you guys had a REFRESHING time tonight...And so cool that you're exposing your daughter to all that...That stuff sticks with ya as you're getting older, ya know? She'll never forget...
