Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Invitation to Epiphany

I "de-Christmased" my house this weekend...The task was monumental, but it's done now, not a shred of red or green in sight, quite the catharsis!  It was lovely to have and lovely to let go of. 

It is January, the quintessentially quiet month; this halcyon hush, so welcome after the hub-bub of the holidays, has settled over my home like a big cozy comforter.  The backdrop of Vivaldi has replaced the various Christmas carols that played circuitously on my CD player, the new year has registered temperatures far below freezing for at least part of every day, lending to the lull of the season, and, for the first time in a longggg time, my event calendar is completely empty. 

Ah, sweet serenity.

Such a perfect way to spend the nighttime of the rest.  The stillness afforded us during this nocturn is such a gift, it being conducive to such calm, such centeredness, creating space to seek God, as the Magi did so long ago.

The esoteric feast day of Epiphany celebrated every January sixth by some, bookmarks this event.  It is, in a word, the Divine "olly olly in free", God humbly choosing a form in which He could be found by those searching for Him.  The Great Reveal.   God made man in the Person of Jesus Christ. 

In Isaiah 55:6, we are encouraged to seek God while He may be found. The invitation to the incarnation of Immanuel - to us and through us - does not end with the close of Christmas, but is extended to seekers everywhere still.

As we follow the worn path of Wise Men
May Searching and being Searched for,
become Finding and being Found.


  1. This is beautiful, as always! :) Thanks for the wonderful message this morning.

    It is sort of the quiet season at our house, but never fully quiet in a house with children. ;) Also, the January schedule is quickly filling up for us though thankfully, no cheering sessions at basketball games this week. Looks like we might have a big snowstorm tomorrow, if it materializes, which could then very well mean a day off school and work, since I don't risk the drive in on our country routes when there is extensive snow or drifting. I'm hoping the storm happens, because that's when a vast quiet falls across the horizon - there's nothing like a big snow fall to still the air and awaken the senses. If it comes, I'll be outside for part of the day walking. I will think on your lovely sentiment of "become finding and being found".

  2. Oh Linda! I'm going to do a snow dance for you then! ; ) I pray you DO have a peace-full day tomorrow and that He'll give you the gift of that down-time, a little p.s. to your holiday...

    It's been so nice getting to know you I hope ya know : ) Thanks for your posts and your little notes of encouragement : )

  3. So well said, H.

    I thought of you this past weekend when I saw James Taylor sing the national anthem at a football game. I don't remember exactly which game, but it was classic James Taylor.

  4. Sweet, Dan! I saw JT in concert back in '96 and wouldn't mind seeing him again...I'm not a 'concert-y' person, but his music is so sentimental...just hits the bullseye of my soul : )

  5. correction on the concert date, wasn't " '96 ", it was "2006". This 'twenty-ten' thing has got me screwed up! ; )

  6. "It was lovely to have and lovely to let go..."
    'For all things there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven...' Now is the time for rest, gentle pursuits and quiet reflection. Besides, it's too cold to do anything outside!!

  7. We too celebrated this wonderful festival! I just stumbled upon your blog through Come Sit by My Fire's blog and am thrilled that I did!

  8. Nice to have you, CB! Come anytime : )

  9. True Dat, Joy!! Brrrrrrrr!!!!! (not as "brrrr" as you are, but still, Brrrrrr!!!!!) ; )
