Friday, December 25, 2009

The Christmas Present...

(I decided to re-post this for Christmas...For me, it says it all.)
Merry Merry Christmas, All <3

This curt little query is floating around quite a bit these days...Santa’s generosity depends on your answer, your stocking’s stuffed-ness is riding on your response, the whole of your holiday hangs in the balance between these two lists...

Thankfully, Jesus came to throw a third list into the mix....Not one titled "Naughty" or "Nice",

but one titled,


God doesn't save us because we are good, He saves us because HE is good.

What an AWESOME Christmas present.

"You have been saved by grace through believing. 
You did not save yourselves; it was a gift from God."
Ephesians 2:8


  1. Hi Hindsfeet,

    Another awesome post, thank you! Romans 3:28


  2. Thanks, Rodney! And thanks for Romans 3:28, good stuff!! : )

  3. So glad you're in for the "party"! I'm glad to know about your blog...

  4. Found you via Scattering Lupines & enjoyed my brief stay here. One of my all time favorite books is Hinds Feet on High Places .... felt almost as I could've written it myself :)

  5. Whoa... EXCELLENT POINT! LOVE IT! Praise God, we are not saved by works, but saved FOR works! Oh, and I am still at the beginning of 'Hindsfeet in High Places', have not had the time to sit and read. And thanks for the birthday wish!

  6. Joy! What a GREAT way to put it!! "not saved BY works but FOR works"...huh! never thought of it that way! You really pack a punch, anyone ever tell you that? : )

  7. Hi Hindsfeet!
    This is so very true! Puts things on a different perspective. I like the idea of the 'Grace' list; so much more meaningful!

  8. Oh, WOW. That was the most powerful, concise statement about the TRUE meaning of Christmas I have read all season.

    What a truly wonderful post. I can't wait to visit more! Glad to know you're here.

    And thank you for your wonderful comments about the party!

  9. Yiota and SL,

    A very merry Christmas to you both; thanks so much for the visit! : )

  10. Hey, just saw your comment on my blog, 'Snow Girl'! Keep your hindsfeet warm!

  11. 15 inches so far and still snowing! But I guess that's kid's stuff for y'all out there, Joy! ; )

  12. Thanks for the reminder, Hindsfeet. Great post.

  13. Thanks Dan..."But for the grace of God...", right? Thank goodness for His goodness!!! : )

  14. p.s. Dan...I suppose this means you're home safe and sound from your travels! I'm glad for you and your family that the snow didn't impede! We, on the other hand, over here in Virginia, have been socked in for two days!! But it's oh so pretty and oh so much fun! fa la la la la!! : )

  15. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving the lovely comment. I am so glad to meet you here and I see that we do have some similar interests and I'll be glad to follow along on your beautiful blog.

    I loved this Christmas post and it's interesting the way that God uses things to bring people together because over the past two weeks, my husband and I have been talking about Grace ~ God's Grace and infact it became my catch word reminder between the two of us when things got stressful - we would whisper the word grace to each other, or mouth it at each other from across a room. It was a reminder of how God treats us with grace and that in those stressful moments of life, we too can exhibit grace towards others.

    I hope you and yours had a most blessed Christmas and that the New Year brings you continued joy. :)


  16. Linda, I love this, yours and your husband's curbing stressful circumstances with the reminder of God's grace...That's been a topic between my husband and I this last couple of months as well, which is what inspired this post...

    Happy New Year to you, Linda, looking forward to more of your delightful posts in 2010! : )
