Monday, November 23, 2009


"A Christian is one who is on the way, though not necessarily very far along it, and who has at least some dim and half-baked idea of Whom to thank." - Frederick Buechner

We've arrived at that turkeylicious time of year when Americans everywhere will join in gastronomic gaiety and filial festivities revolving around plates piled high with every delicacy our little palates could desire.

There'll be football games and gatherings complete with tryptophan and green bean goo, mashed potatoes and couch potatoes, long naps and leftovers, and finally, drawn out departures full of hugs and good wishes for happiness over the holidays.

Amidst all this merriment there may come a moment when grateful guests will pause to ponder the holiday's namesake and the things in their lives that conjure up thoughts of thankfulness.

When put to it, most of us can come up with several somethings we're appreciative for and perhaps wax on quite lyrical about our loved ones and the merits of our most treasured blessings.

There is, indeed, so much to be thankful for,
ergo, there is Someone to be thankful to.

This Thanksgiving, as our hearts are turned to the gifts with which we've been graced, let us in turn lift our hearts to the Giver of all Grace and every good gift...

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with Whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." - James 1:17


  1. Excellent point: The 'Giver' of gifts. Hope your are doing better, Hindsfeet. Have a wonderful Thanks Giving.

  2. Bellissimo!

    Happy Thanksgiving, Hindsfeet. I'm very thankful that He arranged for our paths to cross.

    My best to you and yours.

  3. Hi Joy! : ) off to see if you've posted more wonderful pics on your site : ) Hope you had lots of yummy turkey today! : )

  4. Hi Dan : )

    Right back atcha! Thanks for the well wishes and hope you and your family had a yummy feast and lotsa fun today! Off to see if you've got any more peeks into your travels posted! : )
