Saturday, November 7, 2009

One Thing...

"Mary sat at Jesus' feet and heard His Word...One thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part..." -Luke 10:39,42

One thing is needed...

One thing...


He didn't say it was "one of the most important things"...

He didn't even say it was "the most important thing"...

He said it was the One Thing that was needed.

Simplifies the agenda a bit, doesn't it?  One little bullet point: 

  • Sit at Jesus' feet and hear His Word.

In our frenzied five hundred mile an hour frenetic lives, this One thing is so easily squeezed out by sundry seemingly urgent yet superfluous items and sadly falls so far from the top of the to-do list.  Yet it is THE answer that will quell every query, that will quiet every fear.

When we're really in a pinch, we're often quick to cry out for Him to hear us - and rest assured, He does - but are we "quick to hear"* as well?   Is the posture of our soul like Mary's, one of deference and devotion?  Do we come to Him with a listening heart like a cup ready to be filled or is our heart brimming with the din of demands, of doubts, or perhaps even defiance? 

In either case the call is the same, "Come.", whether to be filled or to pour out our hearts* and have them filled again.

In these verses we hear the heart of Jesus, a call to stillness and surrender, a call to come and be filled, to know as we are known, to hear as we are heard...

One thing is needed...

One thing...


*James 1:19 "Be quick to hear..."
*Psalm 62:8 "Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us."


  1. Hello Hindsfeet, thank you so much for your comments--and I totally agree with you, I can feel and SEE that God is leading me to some new places and it is so exciting... and yes, I need to 'choose the more important thing'... I can see God is opening new doors for me, and I've also had the thought that I need to begin writing down all that has happened. Thanks for your prayers. Oh, and the book---I forgot to check it out from the library, but I will do that next week. And... could I borrow that picture of Jesus with the child?? It is beautiful, I'd like to put on the side of my blog.

  2. Oh, and I just took a peek at your web site... so you are a runner... did you read my story entitled 'Marathon Man' on the fresh air life blog?

  3. Hindsfeet, I thought I left you a comment this a.m., but I may not have hit the "post" button. In any case, I'll try it again. Delete one if you end up w/two.

    First of all, I love, love, love this post. I know I need work on my "hearing". Thanks for reminding us of James 1:19. That verse is a keeper... and so is your post. Our pastor did a recent sermon on how to listen for God. At its core was that our lives have so much noise and chaos that it drowns out God's "voice".

    Regarding your comment on my blog: In the spirit of full-disclosure, those photos were shot on St. John, USVI. I guess I'm getting myself in the island frame of mind. I actually leave for Bali on Monday.

    Regarding your question: My assignment is for a large petro-chemical company - The Dow Chemical Company. I have a contract with them and do a lot of work for them. Specifically, I'm going along with a film crew from a major US ad agency. The film crew will be filming a TV commercial and I'll be shooting stills for print (magazine, billboard, newspaper, etc). The theme is Dow's "Human Element" campaign. You can see an example here:

    (copy & paste the url above into your browser)

  4. Hi Joy! : ) I'd LOVE to read your post on the marathon man! Could you give me the link? I can use all the inspiration I can get ; ) ...And here's hoping "Hinds feet on High Places" inpires your socks off, I just know it will...Oh, and the pic is not mine, it was on one of those freebie sites, so help yourself : )

    Hope you're having a lovely weekend!

  5. Dan! What an EXCELLENT advert! Really good marketing and REALLY well done; from the looks of this bit it seems like you'll be working with quite a team...Hope some of your pics from that assignment will surface in your blog!

    Your comment here also sort of kept the dominos tipping on this idea of being still and hearing God's Word...enter post titled "shhhhh...listen...."...thanks to you - and your pastor - for the inspiration.

    peace peace peace as you prepare for your travels... : )

  6. .Hope some of your pics from that assignment will surface in your blog Work from home India

  7. Wonderful post. I have been thinking lately on this very thought...

    He that hath ears to hear..let him hear!

    We are much to busy in this world and need to stop, be still and listen.

    Listen to the LORD's leading...watching and patiently waiting the work HE desires in our lives...this is what I'm doing now at this time in my life. I am not my own, I've been bought with a price. I am HIS.

    I'll gladly sit at Jesus feet and rest in HIM...listening.

    God bless..
